Malda Animal Care Unit (MACU) ,a self-motivated team , an organization ,formed with a determined thought of serving and contributing the environment and nature by being the face of the so called stray animals ,raising the voice for them in every corner of the society ,so that they can also fill the essence off this beautiful safe home , their home, their family in planet Earth with all their homely rights .Various acts have been enacted under the Constitution and Parliament of India regarding safety and protection of the strays and wild animals .
The objects for which the Trust is established has some specific goals and objectives to safeguard the interests of the stray animals around every corner of the town and its outskirts for the objects set out in the trust dead and for fulfillment of which, the terms and conditions are more particularly set out hereunder and advancement of objects of general public utility (not involving in carrying on any activity for profit) and for such purpose as given below
a) To spread the awareness among the residence of this town and the whole district regarding animal cruelty and its prevention.
b) To provide basic first aid to every stray animal irrespective of any situation or circumstances.
c) To handle most critical cases like Surgery, Chemo Intensive and treatment etc. regarding stray animals with the supervision of highly qualified veterinary doctor/surgeon at almost free of cost.
d) To provide possible shelter and hospitality to disable stray animals those who need long term treatment so that they can recover quickly and get back to their normal life.
e) To act on Implementation and solidification of every existing judicial act regarding animal cruelty and safety by arranging awareness rallies, distribution of leaflets, awareness booth camps in various remote places in in Malda Town and also in whole district.
f) To bridge with the local administration for stray animals regarding the implementation of basic safety majors and bringing up of modern and advanced methodologies regarding the arrangement of treatment in severe cases.
g) To achieve the goal of rabies free Malda (as per WHO concerned project rabies free India 2020) following Animal Birth Control Rules 2001.
h) To follow the guidelines and protocol of AWBI, to perform Animal Birth Control Program and to maintain and stabilize stray dog population in our town under the supervision of qualified veterinary doctor/surgeon and in collaboration with local administrative bodies.
i) To make arrangement of deworming program to maintain pre-vaccination procedure and good health of stray dogs.
j) To install light reflective color to road side stray animal to prevent accidents and save lives,
k) To create awareness on environment and population in our TRUST and any other act for charitable purpose or for the advancement of general public utility.
l) To promote health awareness and its profit and its advancement in general public